Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.......It's about learning to dance in the rain.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mod 5: New Technologies

Module 5:  New Technologies

Through this and other graduate courses, I have learned about Edmodo.  This is a secure social learning network for students and teachers.  I was excited about it and wanted to utilize it at my school.  I asked several teachers at my school about it and no one knew anything about it.  I told my assistant principal about it and asked if I could set it up.  She was excited about it and received the approval from the principal to let me set it up.  Without knowing anything about Edmodo, I set it up and enrolled all my students.  We have gone to the computer lab and communicated with each other.  I have also set assignments in which the students have to respond to, complete and turn in.  I have tried to get other teachers on my grade level and others to join so that we could collaborate.  They refused!  They gave excuses that they didn’t have time, it was too complicated, and students wouldn’t get it.  I told them if I can do it, anyone can.  The students will get it and love it!  I am the only teacher at my school who utilizes Edmodo.  I have made contact with a classmate from Walden, hoping that our students could collaborate together.  We are still working out the details.
The Keller’s ARCS model that I could use to change the motivation of these people to encourage success would be gaining and sustaining attention.  I stimulate lasting curiosity with problems that invoke mystery (Driscoll, 2005).  I talk about what my students do when we go to the lab and how they go home and message me about their homework.  One student even sent me a note when he was absent.  He stated that he had to go to the hospital because he had gotten sick.  Finally, I will teach a professional development class in the Fall on Edmodo.  I believe that once teachers are shown what it is and how to use it, they will come on board.


Driscoll, M. (2005). Psychology of learning for instruction. (Third edition). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

1 comment:

  1. Tracy,

    I know for me, beginning to use Edmodo was a process. The first year I was introduced to it, I signed up, but didn't do anything with it. Then the next year, I started using it with my eighth grade class only. Finally, this year, I started using it with all of my classes. What really pushed me is the district's move to one-to-one computing and eventually paperless classrooms. I figured I needed to get on board and be ahead of the game, so that when it happens, I'll be prepared. I know one source of hesitation for me was misuse by the students. I get an email each time someone posts. Honestly, this can get old quickly, but with sixth graders, it is important to monitor what they are posting. Being able to set them to read-only was a great for me, because I was able to control their permissions if setting the guidelines and warning them didn't work. I came across a poster the other day that has best practices for digital citizenship that I am planning to use at the beginning of the year next year. I'll share it with you on Edmodo. It can be difficult to begin using new tools, so I'm glad you are getting an opportunity to show teachers how they can use it!
