Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.......It's about learning to dance in the rain.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Connectivism Mindmap

Networking has changed the way I learn in the fact that I didn't know what a Wiki or a Blog was until I enrolled in graduate school. I also learned how to navigate and collaborate with classmates using Google Docs. It has enlightened me in writing and editing along with my classmates. I have learned how to skype and set up a group in order to call everyone at once. It has really changed the way I communicate with others. I would rather skype than send out emails, but I realize it is not always convenient. I have utilized blogs, wikis, and google docs. It has given me a new perspective on learning because I can get ideas and views from classmates. Because of networking I have been motivated to introduce Edmodo, a secure social networking site, to my students. The digital tool that best facilitates my learning is the discussion board. after posting my views and responding to my classmates, I gain insight on how differently we think. It is interesting to see how the similarities and differences among my classmates affect the way we teach. I have gained ideas to add into my classroom from the discussion board. The discussion board is a place where ideas are shared. We have such a diverse class which makes discussions interesting. I also gain insight from the Blogs and Wikis. There, ideas are also shared. Siemens (2006) states that in connectivism we create networks of knowledge to assist in replacing outdated content with current content. I have utilized some current content by introducing my students to Edmodo, a secure social network. I am the first teacher in my school to do so. I learn new knowledge when I have questions by googling them. I also check with my classmates. In this growing age of technology it is easy to google any information needed. We must be careful of Internet resources, though. The reliability and validaty must be verified. Resource: Siemens, G. (2006). Knowing knowledge. USA: Author.


  1. Tracy,

    You are not alone. I agree, before Walden I had never heard of a wiki. I have learned a massive amount of new websites, open source software, and new technology tools that I can use in the classroom from my professors or from my collegues. My family members think I am a technology generous. I laugh, because I still consider myself a novice at technology.

  2. I would have to agree with you also. I thought I know somethings but I have learned that their are a lot of things I have yet to learn in regards to technology. I have had a great time learning these things. It excites me, now the next step is utilizing what I have learned into my classroom with my students.

  3. Tracy,

    I feel like Walden has not only introduced me to new tools, it has also given me skills and confindence to begin using those tools in the classroom. For example, I finally tried blogging this year. I agree that it is important to evaluate the internet resources that we use. It is also important to teach students how to evaluate resources. Great post!

  4. Hi Traci,

    I to believe Walden has introduced me to many digital tools. I have become comfortable in exploring several digital tools. But there are other technology I have not come accustom to such as posting certain files like the Mind Map which has become frustrating.

    On another note I ntoice you posted on my blog about your interest of Pintrest. It is a great site that you must be invited to, which I will invite you. It has connected me to many resources that I now use in my classroom. It has also connected me on personally
