Mod4BlogAssign- The Disruptive power of Second Life:
Second Life began in 2003. It is free online virtual 3D worlds initiated by Philip Rosedale, chairman of Linden Labs. Residents can actually build their own worlds. They interact through Avatars where members can explore, meet people, do business, and share knowledge. Second Life is intended for people sixteen and older, but the average age is thirty two. People have the chance to build worlds, visit places, and purchase items that they may not be able to do in real life. In Second Life, anything is possible.
Second Life is a disruptive technology because it is unavoidable. People can be who they want to be and work where they want to work. There is fair ownership in the economy. There is a challenge for people to learn faster, be more creative, and be a better person virtually than in reality (Rosedale, 2008). The innovations that it displaced are AAAs (open source games), MMOs (massively multiplayer online games), and RPGs (role playing games). Second Life is not a game, it is a social experience. It is a place where you can show off creativity, curiosity, and share amazing ideas that you may not be able to do in the real world. It is better than a structured game. I believe Second Life will be around for a long time to come. I believe it will evolve. For the next decade virtual worlds will be how more people interact (Rosedale, 2008). The social benefit of Second Life is the lack of culture (Rosedale, 2008). In the virtual world, you can become anything you want. A female can become a male, A Hispanic can become Caucasian, a person can become an alien. While the economy in the real world was in trouble, Second Life economy was booming. In Second Life, people implicitly and inherently interactively share information. Businesses utilize the site for training purposes. People across the globe meet and collaborate. In my industry working with elementary students, technology is evident. Students are used to playing video games in 3D. Teachers are expected to utilize technology across the curriculum. Second Life would be advantageous to students. They could create their own avatar and interact in a classroom.
Rosedale, P. (2008). Philip Rosedale on Second Life [Video]. Retrieved from
Hindman, B. (2012). Retrieved from fir